Past Projects

(Not all projects are listed for privacy and security purposes)


Even though inflation is up and the economy is down, ATGM had a great year with Thanksgiving meals! Because of the generous giving of our supporters, ATGM was able to provide 5164 people with a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner. THANKS to all who gave to make this possible during these trying times.


Even though donations have been down this year, when it came time to feed the needy a nice Thanksgiving dinner, our supporters stepped up. This year we were able to provide a nice Thanksgiving dinner to 1200 families, that’s 6400 individuals who were able to celebrate Thanksgiving because of your giving. This is the best year ever! Thank you and God bless!


Since the onset of COVID in 2020 donations have suffered. However, in spite of the decrease in giving, ATGM was able to provide 500 families with a very nice Thanksgiving dinner this year! We want to thank everyone who was able to contribute to make this special day a reality. May God bless each of you during this holiday season and the coming new year!


In October 2022, ATGM learned of an elderly Korean War veteran who was living in sub-par conditions. Working with a group of his friends, ATGM was able to move him into a much nicer place; however, he needed all new furnishings. As a result of ATGM's generous donors, we were able to provide Lawrence (name changed) with several items he had requested! Thanks to you, Lawrence is enjoying a much nicer home with all the furnishings he needed. Pictured are the items made possible by ATGM's donors.

Feed the Need

It’s not just during the holiday season families find themselves going hungry; but especially now, during these difficult days of COVID. As a result, All Things Global Ministries will be doing all we can to Feed the Need. By partnering with others, ATGM can feed a family of four a day for $3.00, a month for just $90, and an entire year for $1080!

If you would like to be a part of this effort to Feed the Need, just click HERE to give your very best gift today! ATGM will continue to Feed the Need month by month until we feel God has released us from this sense of duty.

Thanksgiving Meals 2020

With 2020 being one of the strangest years in modern history, a lot of people are finding themselves in difficult situations; many people have diminished incomes or no income at all. At ATGM we want to do our very best to bring some normalcy to as many families as possible this Thanksgiving. For just $4.00 we can provide a Thanksgiving meal to a family of four. Our goal is to provide at least 250 families with a wonderful Thanksgiving this year! If you would like to help, just click HERE to give your very best gift today! Thank you for your generosity and may God bless you abundantly in return!

Christmas for an Orphan

It’s that time of year again, CHRISTMAS! Once again All Things Global Ministries will be hosting a lunch party and ice cream buffet for a well deserving group of kids at the orphanage/group home. However, if all goes as planned, we will (under State supervision of course) be taking this wonderful group of 6 -12 year olds to Incredible Pizza for an afternoon of food and fun!

After the kids have eaten all the pizza they can stand, and played all the games they want to play, we will return to the home for an ice cream buffet. Afterwards, each child will be receiving a brand new bicycle, thanks to your generous giving!

Additionally, All Things will be providing an ice cream buffet and bicycles for the children at the home for 13 – 17 year olds; lunch is being provided by someone else for this group. But your generous giving is making it possible to do all of this for a second home this year! THANK YOU so much! Who knows, if enough donations come in, perhaps we can provide for a third home as well?!

A special thank you from the orphans and group homes!

Widow's Bathroom Remodel

This is unacceptable, a widow’s bathroom in need of so much repair. In May 2018, All Things learned of a widow living in a 100+ year old house without a completely functioning bathroom. The sink has not drained in over 20 years, the toilet was literally falling through the floor and the tub took days to drain; totally unacceptable! After doing a quick floor patch to keep the toilet from ending up in the cellar, All Things decided this bathroom needed a complete remodel; more importantly, this dear widow deserved it. Ellen (name changed) is in her 80’s, suffers with arthritis of the spine and is the widow of a WW2 veteran; but more than that, she is a fellow human being in need and she can’t afford the fixes with her limited income.

When All Things first learned of the need, we immediately made a temporary fix in the floor to keep the toilet from falling through and we replaced the standard one with a high toilet; making it easier for Ellen with her arthritis. However, much more needs to be done! It was decided to make this a project and All Things is raising the funds and getting donations to do a complete fix and remodel; all the way down to bare studs! This bathroom will be rebuilt completely; new plumbing, flooring, fixtures, walls and ceiling; EVERYTHING will be new! If you would like to donate to this worthy need, click HERE.

Bikes for Orphans

Occasionally God blesses at the most unusual times, like when you’re going to the store for mouthwash. You’re walking up to the store and a bunch of children’s bikes are on the sidewalk marked “CLEARENCE.”


A fellow charity that works with the same groups of orphans as All Things Global Ministries, unbeknownst to All Things, had just had a “bike drive” to get bicycles donated for the orphans. You see, these precious children come to the group home with nothing other than the clothes on their backs, and even that is most often woefully inadequate. So, the home once asked if someone could repair their (one) bicycle because the children were no longer able to ride it.


One broken down bicycle for 15 children, this simply wouldn’t do! To make a long story short, rather than repair the old broken down bicycle, enough bikes were donated so each child would have one to ride; however, this wasn’t without its own issues. Not long after, one of the children was being adopted, but they didn’t want to leave because they didn’t want to leave their new bicycle. It was decided to let the child have the bike; but then the next new child wouldn’t have a bike, hence the bike drive(s).


Praise God for His AWESOMENESS! Just as more bikes are needed, more bikes are provided, all because someone needed mouthwash!

Christmas for an Orphan

Words cannot express how grateful we are for all that All Things Global Ministries did for the children at our orphanage. I have attached a thank you letter that we received from one of the sweet kids. I have also attached to this email a few of the wish lists that the children turned in. Because of All Things Global Ministries’ support,we were able to fulfill every one of their wish lists. We provided requested items such as hair straighteners, candy, watches, clothes, drawing sets, radios, and shoes. I wanted to let you know that our team was unexpectedly not allowed to enter the home. [Some of the children in this home are in the foster system and in protective custody]  Therefore, we were not allowed to see the children open the gifts. [And therefore, no photos]


I also wanted you to know that because of your donation, we were able to purchase Christmas gifts for children who came into emergency care at the very last minute before Christmas. The Director couldn’t believe it. Betty[name changed] shopped until midnight one night…to make sure that every child would know they were not forgotten.


Thank you again for providing an awesome pizza party, yummy ice cream, and wonderful presents for every child living at the orphanage. The kids were blessed tremendously because of your heart and the generosity of All Things Global Ministries.

Back To School Student Veteran Social

The Back to School Student Veteran Social was a Big hit and enjoyed by all who attended. A lot of hot dogs and brats were eaten along with chips and cookies, and several gallons of lemonade were consumed! It was a few hours of good times, food, games and fellowship along with making new friends and renewing old friendships.


Due to the generosity of our donors, ATGM was able to provide the food for the event. As well ATGM give out $25 Walmart gift cards to all the Veterans to help with expenses during this expensive time of year as college starts back up! Thank you for your giving and caring!

Refugee Medical Outreach

The medical outreaches served refugees of both the Iraqi ISIS conflict and the Syrian civil war. These outreaches ministered to well over 1300 people. They were provided with eye glasses, dental hygiene education and supplies, basic physicals and medication as well as counseling for any who requested it. Nearly all of the refugees suffer with PTSD due to the traumatic situations they have endured.


Please continue to pray for these desperate people; many had not received any medical attention since they had to flee their homes months and even years ago. So many expressed their appreciation for not just the medical attention, but for the genuine love they felt from the volunteers.

Purposed Love Center Kitchen

All Things Global Ministries raised the funds to purchase appliances for the Purposed Love Center's new kitchen which will be utilized to serve refugees of the ISIS crisis. These wonderful people have been displaced and are in need of everything. Most had to flee with nothing but the clothes on their backs. The Purposed Love Center's kitchen will provide meals and a place to eat in comfort and safety.

The items ATGM purchased were a stove with a propane tank, refrigerator, microwave, coffee maker, water cooler/heater and a washing machine. The cost of these items was approximately $2100.00. Thanks to the generous investments by several donors, this project is complete and functioning. Thank you and God bless!

Medical Outreach

    All Things Global Ministries joined forces with a church group from Virginia Beach, VA and traveled to Jordan to participate in two medical outreaches to refugees. We had the opportunity to work with 1050 refugees. Men, women and children; all in need of medical assistance. Beyond the medical touch was the human touch. So many of these displaced people have lost the sense of feeling human, loved and cared for. God allowed us to extend His love to these precious people in a practical way!

Widows and Orphans Outreach

    After learning of a widow living without heat for nearly a month in the dead of winter, All Things Global Ministries stepped in and took care of the situation. This wonderful lady had a home warranty but they failed to take care of the need. They sent a repairman who tore things apart and then claimed he had to order parts; a month later, no repairman and no parts. As well the warranty company was of no further help.

    While the before and after pictures don't really show a lot of difference, there was! The repairman left the unit torn apart and totally inoperable. All Things came in and diagnosed the problem, bought the parts that day, completely cleaned and serviced the unit and got the heat back on for this dear lady.

Humanitarian Aid Outreach

    All Things Global Ministries joined forces with In-fusion from Phoenix, AZ and traveled to Jordan to participate in a 10 day humanitarian outreach to Iraqi and Syrian refugees. These refugees are people just like you and me except for one major difference, they have lost everything, including hope, due to the ravages of war.

    Imagine waking up to the sounds of war and realizing if you are going to live you must flee IMMEDIATELY! There is no time to grab anything other than your family; it's literally a "get out now or die" situation.

    Many of these families have been existing (not living, merely existing) for years now as they wait for the hope of relocation, or better yet, one day being able to go home. However, in the realm of reality, going home is something that will NEVER happen. It was heartbreaking to sit and hear this same story repeated over and over by family after family. These people are just like you and me in that they just want to love and be loved and be able to care for their own.

    Please keep the Iraqi and Syrian refugees in your prayers; and don't get caught up in the stories you see on the news. Sure, those terrible things are happening, but that is a small minority of the refugees; it is not representative of the whole.